Golden Spike Baptist Network

Faithfully Connected

“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works,” 

Hebrews 10:24

Who We Are

Supporting Churches

GSBN seeks to support local churches by caring for and encouraging pastors. We want to be a resource for other churches whether that’s through financial support or through our annual pastor's retreat.

Gospel Focused

In everything we do we want to be focused on the gospel, the Biblical message of a crucified and risen savior. The gospel means everything and is the only hope for Utah. We desire to see more churches place their focus on the gospel.


Utah needs churches. God is accomplishing his redemption of the world through local churches. We pray that God would raise up more church plants, new congregations in areas without churches, and church revitalization, old churches with new life.

Why Golden Spike?

Our Baptist network of churches takes inspiration from the symbolism embodied by the Golden Spike National Monument as it represents the unity and connection among diverse entities towards a common goal. Just as the joining of the Central Pacific and Union Pacific Railroads marked the completion of the first transcontinental railroad, our network stands as a testament to the power of collaboration and faith. Each individual church, like the railroads, brings its unique strengths and contributions, yet together we form a unified body, faithfully connected in our mission to proclaim the Gospel and serve our communities. By adopting the name of the Golden Spike National Monument, we honor the spirit of cooperation and unity that underpins our collective efforts in spreading the message of Christ’s love and salvation.

2024 Pastor's Retreat Update

Our “rescheduled”  pastor’s retreat was held last month in Layton, Utah.  Thanks to the generous regular giving of our network churches we were able to bless 9 pastors with a time of fellowship/ prayer and  relaxation.   Thank you to our Pastor Care Team for planning this event.   We hope and plan to provide this retreat annually.  Next year we will be be making some adjustments to the format, but overall it was a blessing to all who came.     

Join the Network

The Northern Utah area is in desperate need of healthy local churches seeking to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. We come together as local churches supporting one another in this task and trusting the Lord to build his Church in Utah. Will you join us in this mission?



Understand what we believe as a network of churches. We stand united around the authority of God’s word and the power of the gospel.


Meet other pastors & build relationships through our Annual Retreat, & our Annual Meeting.

Funding Application

When possible and appropriate, we provide limited funding to churches and church plants.  Please fill out our funding application.