Funding Application

Please fill out this form completely in order for your church to apply for funding from the Golden Spike Baptist Network. If you have any questions about the application, please email [email protected] 


The GSBN is a network of local churches committed to the protection and proclamation of the gospel. We exist to encourage pastoral fellowship and faithful ministry. When possible and appropriate, we provide limited funding to churches and church plants. The funding application below is the first step in soliciting funds. The GSBN administrative team will review your application and may reach out to you for an additional interview. Please know that GSBN is a volunteer network. If your application is time sensitive, feel free to reach out to our Moderator, or any member of the Administrative Team. Understand that as a Network our Bylaws stipulate the requirements for membership and this will be considered in the possible providing of funds. These are Sections 1-3 of our Bylaws concerning membership. A


ARTICLE I – Membership Section 1 –The organized body known as the Network, when constitutionally assembled, shall be composed of messengers duly elected by cooperating Baptist Churches entering into the organization of this Network, or received into its fellowship by act of the Network. The messengers shall be members of the churches that elect them. 


Section 2 – Each cooperating church shall be responsible for submitting the Annual Church Profile information to the Network in a timely manner each fall at the conclusion of the Network year on August 31st. In the event that such information is not forthcoming, the Executive Committee or its designee shall investigate to determine the cause. A church which fails to file the Annual Church Profile for two consecutive years will be dropped from membership in the Network. 


Section 3 – Cooperating churches are expected to participate actively in programs and activities of the Network and contribute regularly to the financial support of the budget of the Network.